Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


If you’re looking to trade something familiar and exciting from the comfort of your home, Stockpair may be just what you’re looking for. Much like Forex trading which pits one currency against another, Stockpair pits two stocks against each other, and if you choose the one that expires higher, you win. Sound simple? It is! Read our full Stockpair review to see if this is the investment vehicle you’ve been looking for.
General Information
Founded in: 2010
Headquarters: Dublin, Ireland
Minimum Deposit: $100
Maximum per Option: $500
Languages Available: English
Trading Platform
The Stockpair trading platform is an entirely unique platform that is so intuitive, it’s almost shocking that it wasn’t invented sooner. In a sense, Stockpair is similar to the binary options trading experience.  Traders can choose stocks from a list of pairs that have both the company icons and their trading symbols to avoid confusion. Once a pair is selected, the trader can choose a position and invest anywhere from $10 to $500. If a fixed position is opened, the trader must remain in the position until the set expiry time. If a floating position is opened, the trader can opt to exit early.
Traders using Stockpair can consider both American stock pairs and European stock pairs. Unlike Forex trading, stock pairs can only be traded when the market is opened in a specific region. Therefore, while stock pair operates nearly around the clock, not all pairs can be traded at all times.
Once a position is open, traders can chart the changes on a live feed, or can pursue other activities while waiting for the expiry time. 
To help make the trading experience as profitable and comfortable as possible, Stockpair offers both a free practice account and a trading simulator for new users. In addition, the company has an understandable Risk Management section that explains the basics to prevent traders from losing unnecessarily.
Customer Service
In addition to offering an excellent platform design, Stockpair offers reliable customer service. It should be noted, however, that customer support is available during trading hours only. During the course of our Stockpair review we chatted with a representative several times, and always received top quality service. Not only did the representative answer our questions, but oftentimes she went beyond the scope of the query to offer practical advice for streamlining the trading process.
Phone inquiries are available in 10 countries. Assistance is also available via email. We emailed Stockpair and received a response in slightly over an hour.
Ease of Use
Although we haven’t traded in this way before, using Stockpair was both easy and pleasant from start to finish. Registration was simple and considerably shorter than registration for most Forex trading accounts, and while depositing is available only via credit card and wire, we weren’t overly disturbed by the lack of alternatives.
The trading platform is available in a web-based version only, which means that there are no heavy or time consuming downloads. It also means that you can trade from any computer, as long as you remember your username and password. The platform itself is notably uncluttered as compared with the complex, chart-filled Forex trading platforms. Similarly, each stock pair is displayed in a new window, eliminating the clutter commonly associated with binary options trading.
It should be noted that the fixed trading option requires you to place a position and then wait, potentially for hours, which is both oddly relaxing and somewhat stressful.
Final Thoughts
Stockpair brings a new dimension to the world of online trading by allowing traders to make deals based on familiar products and trading strategies that are relatively easy to comprehend. Low minimum deposits, a low minimum trade amount and a maximum of $500 per option help to limit risk while making this form of trading possible for people with every budget. 

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